Affordable Landscaping Hacks For Bigger Backyards

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Bigger backyards are not only difficult to manage; they can also be more expensive to landscape. Luckily, there are several ways to landscape your big yard at a low cost.

Having a huge backyard is a dream for many homeowners. Of course, who wouldn’t want a big outdoor space to play, host parties, and raise plants? However, having a bigger yard also means more time spent managing it, as well as more money for landscaping. Nevertheless, there are certain ways you can landscape a big backyard without hurting your budget.

1. Landscape with crushed rocks

For a large yard, using crushed river rocks as landscaping material is a cheaper way to create pathways, foundations, and patios. Compared to other types of landscaping material, crushed rocks are more affordable and easier to access, all while providing a durable foundation with great drainage. Better yet, there are so many textures and colors you can choose from, so you can easily match the gravel to your chosen backyard aesthetic.

2. Use cheaper mulch

The process of mulching helps keep the soil moist and healthy. However, the bigger the area, the larger the mulching expenses will be. Luckily, you can use mulch alternatives for your yard, such as shredded leaves, grass clippings, compost, newspaper, and pine needles. Not only are most of these alternative materials cost-free, but you can easily acquire them from your yard itself.

3. Repurpose old stuff

Decorating your large backyard doesn’t have to be expensive. Hence, if you want to fill out some spaces without spending too much, you can repurpose old things such as tires, furniture, and pallets into functional or decorative garden pieces. For example, you can use old tires or buckets as planter boxes. If you want to be a bit more creative, you can disassemble pallets or old furniture and put them together into something new.

4. Choose low-maintenance plants

small plants

Low-maintenance plants require less time, effort, and money to keep them healthy. And for a big backyard, having low-maintenance plants can keep it looking beautiful without spending too much time taking care of it.

5. Go for artificial grass

Installing artificial grass in your yard requires quite a significant investment, especially for a big yard, but it can help you save money in maintenance costs. With artificial grass, you can save money on water, fertilizer, weed repellent, mulch, and other expenses. Moreover, you can enjoy your large yard all-year-round without having to worry about damaging the grass with heavy foot traffic.

6. Buy used furniture

A large backyard is not complete without an outdoor living area. Here, you can enjoy the outdoors, spend time with family, and host gatherings all to your heart’s content. However, an outdoor furniture set can be pretty expensive if bought brand new, so instead, opt for used furniture. You can find affordable pieces in online marketplaces, thrift stores, and furniture store outlets. If they are a little worn, you can use your DIY skills to repair and refurbish them.

There are so many things you can do when you have lots of outdoor space. Barbecues, parties, sports, gardening: the list doesn’t seem to end. However, if you want to stick to your budget and have a beautiful yard at the same time, keep these low-cost landscaping tips in mind when giving your yard a makeover.

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