Keeping Cabin Fever at Bay: Enjoying Your Time at Home

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People often dream about having more spare time in their hands. But it is different when you are stuck in your home for an uncertain period. Boredom, anxiety, and cabin fever might steal the joy of having free time. How can you make your time at home enjoyable and productive?

Love Your Home

What used to be a place of sleep is now your sanctuary. Show your home some love by cleaning it. You can start with small decluttering activities. Remove unnecessary items from your closets or pantry. You can also enlist help from professionals for duct cleaning or home repairs. Find more inspiration by redecorating your space or moving some furniture around. When you love your place, you find enjoyment being in it. Also, a clean place ensures that you have the best of health.

Learn New Things

When you have spare time in your hands, do yourself a favor. Do not waste it by browsing through social media on your phone or gadgets. Instead, find something that will help you upgrade your skills. It can be a long-forgotten dream such as painting or singing. Also, it can be something that has caught your interest at the moment. You can try your hand at baking or gardening. This way, you will develop and discover more of your talents. You might get surprised by how many untapped potentials is inside you.

Lavish Your Loved Ones with Attention

People often dream of that “someday” when they can spend quality time with their loved ones. In a harried world of hectic schedules, long conversations seem impossible. When given long periods of being stuck at home, do not isolate yourself. Instead, grab this time to enjoy with your family and friends. Whether it be in a physical or virtual setup, be proactive to reach out to them. You may have simple conversations, have family meals, or hold longer video calls. There are also fun apps where you can have games with one another even if you are far apart.

Look Forward to the Future

It is easy to wallow in fears, worries, and anxieties when you are uncertain about the future. Cabin fever may also stimulate such emotions. The easiest way to combat these is to maintain a positive disposition. You can try to list down activities that you want to do in the future. You can even level it up by doing a vision board. It may be a vacation, a big purchase, or a new job. When you have something to look forward to or when you set your eyes on a goal, days seem shorter.

Let Yourself Go


home workout

One of the easiest ways to enjoy your time at home is to give yourself a much-needed break. Have longer showers, put your feet up while enjoying a book, or enjoy your comfort food. It may be tempting to fill your time with activities. But it is also of equal importance to create a balance by taking care of yourself and your mental health. Journaling and meditating are two great strategies to listen to your inner self.

To be productive and enjoy your time at home, you have to accept that it is only a season. Despising it or hurrying up for it to end will do no good. Look for inspiration for how you can make your days worthwhile.

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