Urban Gardening for the Green Thumbs in the City

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We all need something that will make us feel passionate again and keep us going through difficult days. One example of this is the recreational activity of gardening. This hobby returns a hundredfold, and you’ll get lots of benefits that make the quality of your life so much better.

We know that most of us live in tight spaces in the busiest cities worldwide, and gardening isn’t exactly the first thing that comes to anyone’s mind when finding a hobby because of the space you need for it. But that ends today.

What Is an Urban Garden?

The incorporation of the traditional garden setting in the environment of the city is called urban gardening. There are many ways by which this is achieved. Some people prefer turning their balconies into a garden, while others utilize the vertical and sometimes the floor space indoors.

Because of its smaller size, you don’t need the gardening tools you usually use. Aside from only needing smaller ones, you’d also find that just a few pieces of equipment will be enough to cultivate an urban garden.

While many people are still doubtful of the advantages of urban gardens, those who threw their fears out the window have already begun and grown their plants, some of which are capable of sustaining your food supply needs for certain recipes.

Urban Garden Plants You Can Use

Since urban gardening is a relatively new idea, many people are still experimenting with the types of plants they want to use. While that is certainly fine, we want to help speed up the process for you. That being said, we’ve listed down some of the most common urban garden plants you can use.


Herbs are one of the most popular plant options when it comes to urban gardens. This is because herbs tend to grow rather quickly as long as they get adequate sunlight. Aside from this, herbs can also be used for alternative medicine, cooking, and even giving your apartment a certain aroma.


at a flower garden

Some green thumbs out there are not planting for utility but home improvement and beautification. With that in mind, flowers are also a popular option in urban gardens. Begonias, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, or varieties of all the different flowers you want are a great addition to a beautiful urban garden. However, you must remember that flowers often attract different types of insects. Ensure that you hire services for mosquito control from time to time to ensure that you’re safe.

Fruits & Vegetables

The most common enemies of fruits and vegetables in open gardens are small animals like squirrels and even bats. The upside of planting fruits and vegetables in an urban garden is that it significantly lessens the risk of getting eaten by these animals. However, you have to ensure that you only plant fruits and vegetables that grow in containers.

Urban Garden Maintenance

Pretty much just like any other garden, the success of your urban garden depends on maintenance. Even if you spend much of your time in your garden, it will not grow if you’re not doing it correctly. To prevent that from happening, we’ve listed some of the most common maintenance tips when tending to an urban garden.

Regular Watering

watering plants

Watering is almost always the key component in maintaining a garden, and the same is true with urban garden plants. When watering the plants, make sure that you do it thoroughly. Otherwise, your plant may drown or choke from too much water. Slowly pour the water onto the soil until the bottom drains some of it.

The Right Light

Although the amount of light your urban garden receives would be pretty much the same tomorrow, different seasons gradually change this fact. After a few weeks or months, note how the sunlight hits your urban garden and ensure that the plants that need full light are still in the right place. Adjust the positions if necessary.


One of the most important parts of urban garden maintenance is winterproofing. Most plants cannot survive extreme cold. That being said, at the start of winter, make sure that your plants are not suffering from freezing temperatures. Before winter begins, make sure that you have plenty of room for your other plants that might be sitting outside your apartment.

Green thumbs, or anyone who wants to try it, will always find a way to start their own gardens. We can’t blame them. Gardening brings lots of different benefits that will surely make anyone’s life better, and the good news is that people living in urban areas can start their apartment gardens.

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